Canadian Democracy
What exactly is democracy…? The rule of the majority over a minority…? Weren’t we taught that minorities have a place in Canadian society and must be respected…?
Another definition of democracy is; “A system of government, in which state power is vested in the people or the general population of the state.” Is this the case in Canada…? Do Canadians really feel like the power of the state is vested in them?
The Reality
In 2003 Ontario elections, Dalton McQuinty of the Liberal party of Ontario made a historic promise to his constituents. He stated that if he was elected, he will not raise taxes or run deficits without a direct consultation with the people of Ontario. he went as far as putting this promise in writing in the form of a pledge with the Tax Payers Federation.
It was a spectacular photo op and the people of Ontario believed an honest politician is stepping up. Ontario Liberals with Dalton leading the charge, won overwhelmingly.
When he assumed power over Ontario Mr Mcquinty did what…? Introduced a health tax without talking to anyone period.
The people and the Taxpayers Federation fought back and the issue made it’s way into Canadian courts. Finally, Canadians were getting some justice…excitement was in the air…
Of course, the Tax Payers Federation and the people of Ontario lost. The court ruling made by Justice Paul Rouleau stated that: ” If anyone who voted for a politician based on a particular promise later were to go to court alleging a breached contract, “our system of government would be rendered dysfunctional. This would hinder, if not paralyze, the parliamentary system.” What he actually meant to say was that it would hinder and paralyze HIS system, designed for HIM and HIS gang…
The verdict…? Politicians are permitted to lie to get elected and cannot be held accountable for their promises. The only remedy the people of Canada have, is to wait out the election term and then vote again for someone else…who is permitted to lie to get elected and cannot be held accountable for his election promises….
Wait...! There's More!
Few years earlier, in 1990, a man named Willie Littlechild was running as an MP in Alberta on the promise to vote against the GST…a tax which was being implemented by the Federal Liberals during that time. This promise is what helped him win the election…overwhelmingly. Of course, as soon as he was elected, he changed his mind and voted in favor. The people took him to court and…they lost. The verdict, made by Justice E.A. Marshall, stated: ” They (MP’s) have no legal requirement to consult with voters. They are accountable to Parliament. “
This is now a legal precedent, or case law. This means that any judge presiding over a similar case in the future, will look at how similar cases of were handled in the past. In other words, it is law. Government officials can lie to get elected and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
The Funniest Part
As far as Dalton Mcquinty is concerned, he ran for reelection in Ontario in 2007 and won a majority…! On the promise that he won’t raise taxes, with a smirk on his face adding: “You know I won’t…!” Of course as soon as he got elected, he did and Ontario electorate was surprised and angry that their taxes went up…again…
To this day, Canadians from coats to coast flock like sheep to voting booths and make stupid marks in meaningless boxes because they think they are taking part in democracy. This takes place despite irrefutable proof that Canadian democracy is no different than democracy of Soviet Union or in any eastern European country during the Cold War. It is no different than democracy of China or North Korea, yet despite this proof, proud Canadians believe that they can change their own future of the future of the nation.
Who's Running The Mental Asylum...?
Despite all of this, there are still idiotic arguments about “splitting the vote” or “don’t complain if you didn’t vote” or many many others. And anyone in the crown who understands that Canadian democracy is there to protect the few and control the many are laughing their heads off.
Given Canada’s system of governance, in an age of as rapid information dissemination as is the internet, there is the distinct possibility that in the future, when historians study this awkward and weird thing called Canada, they may come to the conclusion that it was nothing more than a mental asylum ran by the lunatics. But until that future comes, we will carry on, having to endure Canadian patriots proudly flying the red maple leaf, the symbol of their tyranny, enslavement and despotism, blissfully unaware of how their democracy actually works….
To Those That Are Ready...!
Stop the nonsense, you are wasting your energy. In Canada, signing petitions, voting, calling your MP is a waste of your time. If you haven’t figured this out during the pandemic, you probably never will. Those that have, there is no way to change tyranny through IT’S system and IT’s rules. You must step outside of them. Remember that Americans didn’t ask England to give them permission, or create rules for their separation from it. They DECLARED THEIR FREEDOM from it their declaration of independence in 1776.