Our Oath of Allegiance…it ain’t what you thought

The pandemic brough lots to light

As of this writing, it seems like endless ages since a pandemic was declared and Canada went into lockdowns. At first it didn’t even seem odd to people that large corporations such as Costco and Walmart could remain open but small family run businesses had to close. 

When businesses refused to comply with idiotic “Health Authority” orders, Trudeaus goons from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police showed up and through brute force began to enforce a uniquely Canadian form of tyranny. 

People protested screamed and hollered

Fines were handed out…people protested…arrests were made. The police, always loyal to their paychecks and pensions…meaning their masters, for the most part didn’t bother questioning if what they were doing was right, legal, lawful or if at some point they may be held personally liable  for the harm they were causing. 

The people however, gave it all away…

You swore an oath!

When the people started to get harassed by the police and many were forced to close down their small business, they were understandably very upset. One of the most heard screams by the people at the police during various protests were: “You swore an oath to the constitution!”

The implication is that the protesters tried to “wake” up the police to the fact that all police officers swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution which, in the mind of the protestors guaranteed some sort of rights…

And perhaps that is why the cops had those stupid smirks on their faces when they hauled the people away…

Not in Canada!

Unfortunately for the people of Canada, the police do not swear allegiance to the constitution…at least not the RCMP. 

The RCMP oath is divided into three parts. First part is the oath of allegiance, second part is an oath of office. Third part is an oath of secrecy. The oath of office is essentially an oath to do a good job, uphold the law and be a good Mountie. The oath of secrecy is an oath to exactly that. It means that the officer will not shoot his mouth off about procedures, operations and investigations. After all , the police wouldn’t want to disclose to the people all the nasty things their superiors and government handlers are guilty of. Their wages and pensions might be at stake!

The first part of the oath deals with loyalty. It goes like this: “Do you solemnly swear that you will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Second, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors, according to law, so help you God? “

The response to this is; “I do so swear.”

In other words, the RCMP swear allegiance to the state. Nowhere in their oath, are members of the RCMP asked to protect the constitution of Canada, communities, the people…they are only loyal to the state. And by the way…so are all soldiers and all politicians. 

You Just Pay For Them

In Canada, a lawyer works for, is loyal to and is governed by the BAR Association. When you hire one, you pay for him but his loyalty is to the association. Same goes for the RCMP. You pay for them but they are loyal to the state. The state orders them to help during a flood, they go. The state orders them to confiscate property, they go.

Where Canadians get confused is when they watch too many American movies…that’s because there aren’t any Canadian movies worth watching…where the sheriffs and police officers swear an oath to the constitution. The US was build on the premise that people are born with rights that are unalienable or not removable from them. The same way they are born with bodies that are unalienable or not removable from them. These rights are protected by the US Constitution and the government is established to defend and protect those rights. 

In Canada, the state decides what rights the people have, when they have them and when they need to be removed. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is crystal clear about this fact. The RCMP is here to protect the public and it does so by enforcing governmental decisions notwithstanding any rights the individual thinks he may or may not have. There are no unalienable rights recognized in Canada. 

To simplify this, in Canada, individuals may do what they want as long as they have the permission from the government to do so. This permission may be revoked without notice and revocation of it is enforced by the iron fist of the regime. 

Nope...it's not implied

Those employed in the military or police services and have sworn allegiance to the state, may argue that the defense of individual liberty or freedom is somehow “implied” in their oath. It is not. People who try to push this narrative are usually those who are waking up to the fact that they have dedicated their lives to serving tyranny and are desperately trying to justify their existence and their life’s work to others. “Qui vult decipi, decipiatur”

What is implied, is slavery, when the minister of justice David Lametti announced on public TV that Canadians do not ha a right to property. Anyone who knows anything about history understands that throughout history, the only class of people that did not have a right to property, meaning the fruits of their labor, have been slaves. Therefore, when the minister of justice says that Canadians don’t have this right, it implies that Canadians are slaves. 

There is nothing in the Canadian federal oath of allegiance that implies anything except what it says. 

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