Is Alberta's independence scary...?
Perhaps an interesting question, answer to which may hold the key as to why is Alberta still under Ottawa’s boot. No one says that the independence process will be a smooth one but the arguments maple-leaf wavers make for Alberta remaining remaining a colony of Ottawa are so ridiculous that one truly has to wonder…are anti-independence proponents stupid…? After all, some of them do make some truly idiotic arguments as to why Alberta’s independence is a bad idea at best and an impossibility at worst. Here are some examples…
Alberta has no coast line
Anyone making this argument against Alberta’s separation may be mentally handicapped. Here is why…
As of this writing, there are forty-four nations on planet earth that are landlocked. In other words, they have no shoreline. All of these forty four nations have the right to bring their products to the sea and neighboring nations that have access to a coast line must provide them with this access. This international agreement was called the Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States. This international agreement has been superseded by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea but both will guarantee Alberta access to the coast if it wishes. Canada is a signatory to the above. Of course, Canada being a fascist tyranny, may choose to not live up to it’s international agreements or may try to change, usurp, redefine, sidestep and otherwise attempt to destabilize and sabotage Alberta’s efforts, however Alberta does stand a better chance with representation in international courts.
It is painfully clear that Canada loves to find individuals for these arguments who aren’t really educated by the Canadian higher education system but rather schooled. However that may be, second guessing Alberta’s freedom because there won’t be coast line is just stupid…
Alberta couldn't handle it's portion of the national debt
This is an argument that will truly bring tears of laughter to any normal thinking, sane and sentient being. Let’s take a look at the details here.
For many decades, Alberta has been a net contributor to equalization payments that are supposed to help “have-not” provinces with funding various social programs. Albertans are generous people and don’t mind sharing the fruits of their hard labor. However, when the demands of the federal government become so great that Albertans can’t keep up or when the federal government begins to destroy the source of the wealth of Alberta through idiotic environmental policies, a problem arises.
In a nutshell WHEN Alberta secedes, since billions of dollars have already been paid into Ottawa, there will be zero national debt that Alberta will be taking on period! On top of that, when the planet begins to understand that the Canadian regime is not even legitimate, as is explained in this forty eight minute documentary, one of the implications is that those individuals responsible for racking up the ridiculous debt of Canada will be held personally responsible for it. Start selling your million dollar estates gentlemen. Don’t have enough money…? In that case you, your children and your children’s children can work it off. That way your grandkids will understand with total clarity what a bottom feeder you were and will work hard to not ever let anything like that ever happen again. Good luck Prime Minister Trudeau, Prime Minister Harper, Prime Minister Chretien…
Labor shortage would cripple Alberta's economy
The reason this is an actual possibility in some people’s heads is because in recent history, people of easter provinces, who traditionally made up a huge chunk of the Alberta oilfield workers, are now getting jobs in the eastern off shore projects such as Hibernia, White Rose, Hebron and so on. What these genuiuses miss however, is that there is more to planet Earth than Canada and when Alberta separates, it will no longer be dependent on immigration policies dictated by woke, WEF controlled Ottawa, but it will be able to come up with new and creative ways of atrracting workers and talent.
Imagine for example that Alberta’s new immigration policy would sound like something like this: “Future Albertans are welcome. You are guaranteed and commited to four years of employment in Albertas oil sector which will include a period of three to six month preparatory schooling. Basic english skills are a must.
That way a twenty five year old immigrant can come to Alberta, has a guarnteed employment and income, the state does not have to take care of him and after four years he’s free to do what he wants or remain in the oil fields. No one comes to Alberta that is unwilling to work AND take on Alberta citizenship after five years of residency and employment. n
There will probably always be “Party Poopers” and naysayers who think that Alberta just doesn’t have what it takes to make it. It is unclear if these people actually believe the utter nonsense that is coming out of their mouths, if they have something amazing to gain from Canadian status quo or if they’re just stupid. The bottom line however, is that Alberta not only has everything it needs to be successful and a shining example of freedom on the international stage, but it has much more than needed.
The above are only several examples of the nonsense spewed by easterners for their own ends. There will be more in the future and all Albertans and lovers of freedom can rest assured that as Alberta inches closer to liberty, the more absurdity, drivel, hogwash and tripe will be coming our way. Let’s not let it get us down and burn the torch of freedom for the world to see.