If we stop thinking like Canadians, lot's of problems will disappear!
As all “Canadian Patriots” get their collective, maple-leaf printed panties into a knot over that heading, please consider that the following article is based on simple LOGIC!
So what does a “Canadian” think like…? Well…it’s complicated… It’s probably best if we use some specific examples.
Pierre Elliot Trudeau
Pierre Trudeau, the supposed father of Justin Trudeau, is a former Canadian Prime Minister and the creator of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But what kind of a man was he..?
Pierre Trudeau was a cocaine addict, sexual deviant, pedophile-child abuser who proclaimed in an interview that politics is all about power. He began to turn the military into a domestic “Internal Security”(scroll down to heading “Aftermath” and go down to paragraph 7) force…meaning his own private guard force. He also fingered Canadians from the back of the Governor General’s train in BC in 1982, which is something even Joseph Stalin wouldn’t dare to do. Good thing Canadians like to remember such acts and place relevant artifacts into museums. Furthermore he completely destroyed Alberta through the National Energy Program and began to set the stage for a “Progressive, Woke Canada”.
Yet, despite all of this, Canadians worship the Charter of Rights and Freedoms as if Pierre Elliott Trudeau was someone who could be trusted with their rights and freedoms… Only truly uninformed, or perhaps mentally deficient human being would embrace this type of logic…
Recently, many Canadians have become awake to the fact that the Charter has actually never been designed to guarantee any rights and that Pierre Trudeau was in fact a top-down tyrant. Unfortunately, this awakening is taking much too long.
Constitution of Canada
Canadians believe that the Canadian Constitution consists of the British North America Act (BNA) of 1867 and The Constitution act of 1982 also known as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It doesn’t seem to matter how much the following FACTS are crammed down the throats of all “Proud Canadians” none of them ever seem to stick. So let’s try again…
The BNA act is a BRITISH law. It was passed in England and it cannot be a law of another nation just as a speed limit in Zimbabwe cannot be a law in Switzerland. Furthermore, The BNA act is only stored in England because it is a BRITISH law and in Canada, only a copy is available. For anyone to walk into the library of parliament and request to see the constitution of his nation and then being presented with a “copy” is the same as showing a cop a photocopy of your drivers license when you get pulled over. Good luck with that. The British North America act is not and never has been a constitution of Canada. It is not possible despite of what the legal experts claim.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not a Canadian constitution because not all territories and provinces agreed to it. In other words it is not fully ratified and it never has been. Therefore the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is not a lawful Canadian constitution despite of what legal experts claim.
The following are links to international monitoring websites that keep track of world population trends, law and various other social effects of our planet. ALL of them list Canada as a nation with an unwritten constitution because the whole world knows that Canada has no written constitution except Canadians. Go figure….
Our first example can be found here. World Population Review is another interesting site the provides data relating to population trends. Here, is list of countries with an unwritten constitution provided by worldpopulation.com with Canada listed in paragraph three. In this paragraph, we can clearly see the it is the “Supreme Court of Canada that guides the country.” …appointed by the likes of Justin Trudeau. That makes it very easy for the ruling elite to change, limit, or remove whatever rights Canadians may have thought they have…
Albertans wake up...!!!
Many Albertans feel like their time in the de facto Canadian confederation is past it’s expiry date. Recent surveys show that 48% of Alberta residents between the ages of 18 and 30 are willing to take on a US citizenship and become Americans. That’s half of the population that will be deciding the future of Alberta in the coming years.
Unfortunately, vast majority of the people today believe that the only way to separate is through the use of federal law called the Clarity Act. This thought process may be an indication of serious mental issues or perhaps complete misunderstanding of the situation Alberta finds itself in. So let’s try to spell this out in a manner everyone can understand.
Alberta has been created as a colony to feed and satisfy the ruling elite of Canada. The ruling elite want everything to remain as is so that they can live the good life without a lot of actual creative work, because they are not really capable of doing actual creative work. Therefore, they will NEVER CREATE A LAW THAT WILL ALLOW FOR THE STATUS QUO TO CHANGE!!!
It is an illusion to think that your slave keeper will somehow give you a way out of slavery. And if he does, it will be so convoluted, sophisticated, twisted and discombobulated that a way out will never be found. That is a mathematical certainty.
We are Albertans! Despite any verbal diarrhea that may be coming out of the east, WE, ALBERTANS are more than capable of charting our own future and be successful in making it a reality. We stand on the shoulders of giants…regular people…who were the pioneers of this land several hundred years ago. They came here with only the things they could carry on horseback and if they were lucky, in a horse drawn wagon. They went to work and paid with their blood, their sweat and their tears to build a beautiful Alberta while the oligarchs waited out east to tax them to death. We are oil men, cowboys, ranchers, explorers, hunters, soldiers, fighters…we are tough, hard and capable. We love our families and raise our children well. As such, we are capable of solving our own issues, our own crime, our own homelessness problems and the only time we have problems with the above is when federal tyranny interferes. Not to mention the fact that the federal tyranny is responsible for creating those problems to begin with.
ALBERTA PRIDE – ALBERTA WIDE! We are Albertans! Let’s declare it to the world, stop thinking like Canadians, and start living like the proud, patriotic nation that Alberta will soon become.