Face The Facts
This website has long made the argument that Canadian laws are here to protect the few and control the many. One does not even have to search very far to confirm this fact. Both politicians and judges in Canada have long made decisions that allow them to stay in power and at the cost of the rights and freedoms of others.
The Best Example
There are some excellent examples of judges undermining truth and what is right, in favor of what is “legal” especially when it comes to propping up Canada’s illusionary democratic process.
Every once in a while though, we get a bombshell that demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Canada is nothing more than a tyranny where a few oligarchs intend to rule over the many. This is one such case.
Truth is hate speech...?!?
The truth is the truth. If the truth bothers someone, or makes them feel bad, it is still the truth. Truth is what a nation must be based on and it is what it’s laws must be based on. If nation’s laws are not founded on truth, what we have is tyranny. All tyrants will make attempts at distorting the truth and outright lying to keep their place among the political echelons of society. After all, that’s where life is nice, soft, comfortable, opulent, wealthy and without much responsibility.
Canadian political oligarchs, aka the Canadian government, have taken things even further. They have decided, that if the truth is offensive, then it is not admissible in court. And it also seems that the population has rights only as long as the government says it has those rights.
One either has the right or it is denied
To Scream “Fire” when there is no fire in a crowded theater is not free speech. It is not allowed. But screaming “Fire” when there is no fire in a crowded theater is also a lie. But if the right to express a truth is denied because the truth offends someone, then that nation cannot logically call itself “Free” or “Democratic” or “Of Good Government” or any other hogwash that Canadian political oligarchs call it.