When Police Don’t Knock

This article is named after a CBC report carrying the same name. The original article can be found here. Also, there is a Fifth Estate report, also going by the same name. That video can be found here

It would appear that every single day in Canada, a various police “services” raid someone’s home using unprecedented violence and even deadly force. The most interesting and horrifying part about this is that sometimes the cops get it wrong. They get a bad tip, wrong intel, wrong house. Then innocent people get killed, property is destroyed  and survivors are terrorized. However no one is ever held liable. So who polices the police?

For the greater good

Members of the law enforcement community may argue that the greater good and safety of the community justifies their actions and the safety of the many outweigh the small number of mistakes that sometimes take place. That may be easy to swallow for a well schooled and brainwashed person, however the reality of this will quickly sink in when YOU are injured, perhaps permanently, due to a mistake of government agent like a police officer. Furthermore, imagine YOU can’t function due to your injuries…in an economy that has been destroyed by the same government whose agents injured you…

Suddenly the greater good doesn’t sound so great…

Why do we accept this...?

Why are Canadians so passive…? Such sheep…? So tolerant…? And how come we take such pride in having the state destroy our lives…? And with pride call our system of governance “JUST”?

In the middle of the night, when pulled over on the side of the road, the driver of a vehicle has no choice but to completely submit to a police officer. And if the driver does anything that the police officer can interpret as a resistance, he may use deadly force…in other words, a man or a woman can be shot on the side of the road for a busted tail light. 

If the police officer thinks a crime has been committed, or thinks that the individual is somehow a threat to public safety, he may  arrest him or her and let the courts sort it out. Perhaps it’s a hunter coming home from a hunting trip. The officer sees a rifle and THINKS the rifle is not stored or transported safely. It will be up to the hunter to prove his innocence in court, having to take time off work, on his own dime using his own resources. And if the hunter was intercepted on his way to the hunting camp, he may not be able to fill his tags for the season, he’s used fuel getting there and he spent resources for provisions. Those are resources he’s never getting back. And what happens to the officer is a short talking to by his detachment commander at best. He’ll be out there “doing his job” that very day saving the public from itself. 

A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away...

In the spring of 1941 the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich took place in Prague. This action was undertaken by two Czechoslovak  paratroopers trained in England who parachuted in the occupied territory of the Czech lands known as the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The operation was known as “Operation Anthropoid”. The paratroopers were supported by a vast network of underground guerrillas and members of the ani-Nazi resistance known as  Defense of the Nation (Obrana Naroda).

Heydrichs death resulted in massive reprisals by the German army against the Czech populace. As part of these reprisals, thousands of people were arrested and shipped to concentration camps, mostly to Mauthausen in Austria. Some of these people directly assisted in operation Anthropoid and others were simply suspects…

My grandmother was seven years old in 1941. She remembers when Hitler’s gestapo came to arrest her father who belonged to “Defense of the Nation”.  It was Wednesday evening, 29th October 1941. The family of three was at home together when there was a knock on the door.  When he opened the door, he saw two men in leather coats…

The fascist Gestapo didn’t kick their doors down, they didn’t shove barrels of assault or patrol rifles into people’s faces. They didn’t storm the apartment, throwing stun grenades, wearing gas masks, dressed in black, terrorizing the inhabitants…even though the inhabitants may have been suspected in the assassination of number three in all of Nazi Germany. And they always got the right house. Such assaults are reserved only for Canadians in the 21st century and any mistakes and accidental deaths are quickly swept under the rug. Yet, Canadians somehow feel that they live in a free society…because they have democracy. 

Perhaps all Canadians deserve what they have and what is coming…

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