Whether anyone likes it or not, all tyrannies follow, more or less the same pattern. As such, all evil, all tyranny, all suppression of rights is fairly predictable.
As is the heading of this website, “Trudeau isn’t the problem…Canada is…” so is the insinuation that Trudeau didn’t cause the downfall of Canada as we have come to see it over the years of his reign. Canada has been a tyranny for many decades. JT is just showing everyone what they refused to see.
So here goes…
Sign number ten - people have no idea what their rights are
For many decades, Canadians believed that their rights come from a benevolent government that cares about them and loves them. Needles to say, when the people figure out the truth it is going to cause a lot of coronaries.
The illusion of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guaranteeing something to someone is an example of how confused and messed with Canadians have been for generations. At the moment, the majority of Canadians don’t understand that their rights are something they came to the world with. Just as they came to this world with a body and a mind, that are unalienable to them, so are their rights. Tyranny happens when, over the span of years or deacades, the people become convunced of such lies that without your government you would have nothing and couldnt function.
In Canada, people are grosly unaware of not only what their rights are, but also, that value of their rights is equal to the value of their next breath. How hard would you fight for your next or last breath…?
Sign number nine - People have no idea about civics
Tyrannies remove the study of civics from school curricula or they change it to something that suits those who run the tyranny. In Canada, people have no idea about the actual symbology of their nation and how sacred symbols of a nation should be treated. Canadians allow the desicration of their own national symbols within their own nation on regular basis and have next to no idea what duties one has towards their nation. Canadian flags are changed and altered on regular basis, even by members of the highest of government offices and the average Canadian has no Idea as to the order or etiquette of how to properly display the national flag.
Sign number eight - Governing bodies promise public safety
Promises of public safety have always accompanied all tyrannies. The ruling elite normaly create a some sort of catastrophe and followup with a solution that is wrapped in slogans of keeping the public safe. Every single tyranny has always used this tactic. Nazi Germany used it, as did all communist countries of Eastern Europe. In fact, communist Czechoslovakia didn’t even call it’s police forces, “Police”. The official name for those police forces was “Verejna Bezpecnost” meaning “Public Safety”. Of course a member of any Canadian law enforcement will scoff at this because he thinks that in Canada, the police are ACTUALLY here for public safety FOR REAL this time, and the thought of how much he’s being used to further the agenda of the tyranny won’t even enter his mind because he simply cannot be wrong…ever.
People of the world should keep in mind that the only way to keep public safe is to wrap everyone individually in bubble wrap and place them into a well padded cell from where they cannot get out. For their safety, this cell must be under armed guard. That’s a crappy way to live life.
Sign number seven - Everything is by permission only
Of course, the best way to keep everyone safe is to allow them to do certain things and forbid them from doing other certain things. This is where endless licensing requirements, fees, procedures and policies come into to play.
In Canada this is made easier to what Canadians incorrectly refer to as the “Constitution”. “Incorrectly”….. because Canadian constitution doesn’t constitute anything and the recent info dump, which was made into a beautiful documentary, clearly outlining the illegitimacy of the Canadian regime can be found here.
Section one of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that ” The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.”
Legally speaking…one can drive a semi-truck through that. In a nutshell, this section alone gives the government absolute power over everyone whenever it feels the need to exercise such power. More accurately, it gives those in control of the government such a power…foreign or domestic.
Therefore, in Canada, everything is by permission since the controlling lite can withdraw or negate ones rights at will. If this was not made clear during the trucker’s convoy, it may not ever become clear…
Sign number six - Property rights are denied
The right to property is traditionally recognized as the most important and unalienable right. With out the right to property, or the fruits of one’s labor, a human being is nothing more than a slave as his creation or accumulated wealth can be removed at the will of someone else. If one has the right to expression but the right to property is denied, then he is nothing more than a slave with the permission to complain.
In June of 2022, the Justice Minister David Lametti publicly announced that Canadians do not have a right to property, essentially confirming that the Canadian citizen is in fact a slave. Since Canadians have been brainwashed for many decades into believing that their rights are secure and the right to property is not relevant, they did nothing, making their situation much worse as time goes on since doing nothing means that Canadians acknowledge the above as truth and reality. This is how every day Canadians completely destroy their country.
Sign number five - Excessive taxation
When the populace becomes docile and convinced of it’s own superiority, it becomes very easy to abuse it especially in the form of excessive taxation. In Canada, people have the tendence to complain about their income tax and more recently about carbon tax. At the beginning of 2025, with the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Canadians forgot about income tax and carbon tax and began to complain about 25% tariffs that Trump promised to impose on Canadian goods if Canada doesn’t secure it’s borders. This of course works in the favor of the Canadian government authorities that have another 20% or so carbon tax increase scheduled for April of that year which Canadians don’t even think about…
In reality, the average Canadian is taxed to the point where only approximately two cents out of every dollar are his or her. Maybe four cents if the individual is a lawyer well versed in various tax evasion techniques and loopholes. Everything else is a profit for the ruling elite who can not only grab it all but they can also borrow against the potential “output” or “production potential” of the populace which allows them to line their pockets to even a greater degree. This of course galvanizes the fact that Canadian is nothing more than a slave kept alive for the sole purpose of amusement of the elites. Once the individual gets too old, useless or unproductive, he may be offered a legalized murder through MAiD.
Sign Number four - Government uses psychological operations against the people
Sign Number three - People are running for their lives
Sign number two - National history is changed or altered to suit a particular paradigm
The fact that Canadian federal authority is not legitimate is slowly becoming a reality every Canadian will have to deal with one way or another. Every tyranny will lie and change it’s history…all written by winners to make them look good. Canada has done so on an unprecedent scale. The examples of this are much too many to mention here so watch this video which will explain it all. The unfortunate part is that vast majority of military men, police officers, government officials and even regular people cannot comprehend the consequences…